Tuesday, November 11, 2008

YAY My First Blog Tag

Yay Shallyse Tagged Me at least I think I was the Sarah she was talking about
8 TV Shows I Love to Watch...
1: The Office
2: Heros
3: Nanny 911
4: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
5: America's Next Top Model
6: Gilmore Girls
7: Trading Spouses
8: Chuck

8 Things That Happenend Yesterday...
1: Got to work a Half Hour early
2: Got to leave work Half Hour early
3: Listened to Squirmy call his puppy and Bottle "papa"
4: Made a home made pot pie
5: Did Squirmy's your baby can read flash cards [we got through the whole stack before he got distracted]
6: Played Sudoku with Hubby and won
7: Made Squirmy some home made baby food [bananas]
8: Left the dishes for the Hubby to do today

8 Favorite Places to Eat...
1: Soup and Salad
2: Chick-fil-a
3: Cafe Rio
4: Olive Garden
5: Texas Roadhouse
6: Astro Burger
7: Spaghetti Mama's
8: Arby's

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To...
1: Getting the family Pics back on the 25
2: Both my mom and my new mom coming down for christmas
3: Seeing Megan for thanks giving
4: Seeing My BFF's new baby and holding and his little brother
5: Finishing Megan's little boys baby set
6: My first anniversary with the hubby
7: Squirmy's First Birthday
8: My 21st Birthday

8 things on my wish list...
1: George and Shayllse move back to UT [this is a serious wish]
2: A new computer
3: A robot kit
4: Beat guitar hero world tour this weekend
5: Finish the test case tool for work before my birthday
6: Get a pedicure
7: Squirmy not being afraid of santa
8: A uneventful Christmas

I am supposed to tag 8 people but I don't personally know 8 people who read my blog So I have Sanja, Kacie, and Jenna and then who ever else wants to your tagged too :)

I ll Leave you with this

Yes eating is hard work for a 6 month old !!

♥ Sarah

1 comment:

esianoyam3 said...

Yay! Somebody answered my tag! :)

I'd love to come back home (some days), but unless George gets a GREAT job offer (like, double what he's making now), it won't happen for a while. If I manage to get my photo business back up and running, I do NOT want to have to start over again... :)

The weather is gorgeous here, and there are TONS of tech job. Y'all should look into moving out here. :P We miss you and that cute baby!