Tuesday, November 4, 2008

6 months

Dear Squirmy today you turned 6 months old. I'll admit I am in denial I can't believe that I have had the pleasure of your company for 6 wonderful months. Each day you do more and although I would never give up those precious moments of newborn hood I love the new playful stage you have entered even more! Oh how you have grown in the last month!

-You ALWAYS sleep through the night [YAY]
-You can sit up by your self [YAY]
-you have eaten peaches, carrots, squash , bananas, pears, apples sauce, green beans, and sweet potatoes
-You have a tickle me ELMO [he is your bff]
-Daddy is still your favorite but I m in the running now
-You started the "Your Baby Can Read Program" and you know the word TOES
-You are trying to crawl
-You hair is really starting to grow [YAY]
-Daddy taught you how to have a screaming war [your very good at it]
-You know how to HIGH FIVE
-You were a MONKEY for Halloween
-You like to grab people's Nose's
-You can pull the stars off of your stacker toy
-You don't understand why the birdy on your jumper won't fly down and play

Happy Six Months Squirmy[look at the face who couldn't love that!!!]
Love Mom !!!

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