Friday, October 10, 2008

Mommy I am a big boy

Matty is now  5 months old. He has been sleeping in a beautiful little cradle with the cutest bedding his daddy picked out for him sense birth. This cute little cradle that rocked my baby to sleep for exactly 150 days has now been retired. Saturday morning we got up early and ventured out into the cold to IKEA but it was closed [yeah I can't believe we were out early enough for a store to be closed either]... So we thought to our selves oh were oh were should we go I thought hot chocolate was in order but the hubby decided it was off to wallmart because we had other earns to run  we browsed down the crib ile and there it was the most shinyest perfect crib for my little squirmy..and oh the mattresses we finally just chose the most expensive one because we didn't know which one to pick and figured we couldn't go wrong with one that had a 14 year warenty, although I am pretty sure matty will not be sleeping in this bed 14 years from now.. After placing the bed box and mattress on the "BIG" cart we realized we had a problem there was no way that these boxes were going to fit into Kacie car ... Can any one say STRANDED. So we called up Kurt and he saved us YAY for Kurt.. As soon as we got home the hubby got going on what he loves to do  best put things together, and i began to dig the bedding that I had bought for his nursery almost a year ago out of storage and after taking the crib halfway apart and a door off the wall we finally had the cib up in our room ready to be test drived be one very cute squirmy Results= Big boy bed was a success
Here are So pictures of our adventure

His newborn bed

Jummping on the mattress at the store

Testing out the mattress at the store

Hubby put the crib together


Test driving the crib

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