Friday, June 13, 2008

I am a good person I swear

So I never ever have checks with my bank account mostly becuase they are too easy for me to loose which is the same reason why I don't carry cash. So I got on to check my ballance and noticed that I was about -132 dollars over drawn.. I am very careful with my money so I was like this has to be a mistake.. I clicked on the see transaction button and the last 9 transactions where checks then i clicked on the checks to see the check that "I had written" and the name on the checks is Willam Sparks .... Im not william sparks so my first thought was hmmm maybe they are posting these checks to my account on accident but the account number on the checks is the same as mine hmmm so I called and yeppers you guessed it fruad so they froze my account and I have to go in on Monday to close the account and get my monies back.. But maybe I will take this opportunity to get a joint account with my soon to be hubby Wink So after all of that drama I get a knock on the front door usually I ignore them because its just the little kids playing outside but I am waiting for my wedding dress so I jumped up to answer it and its Mindy from the office I don't like her so I wasn't excited to see her but she hands me a complaint notice... I quickly read the complaint .. Apt 912 has had their small out side unsupervised for hours this last week their childeren (a small boy and two little girls) have been throwing rocks and knocking on doors then running away.. While laughing I explained to her that matthew whom I was holding at the time was our only child and was only five weeks old and unless he learned how to climb out of his crib it wasn't us. and as kacie put it man i have had an eventful day but kacie will be home soon and matty just wonke up from his nap so the day is already getting better. ♥Sarah

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