Friday, September 11, 2009

Through the Eyes of a 1 year old

As parents we get this great blessing to experience everything about life for the first time through Our children.
Squirmy's latest discovery is dipping, he loves to dip fries in ketchup and bread sticks in sauce and chips and dip and most recently (recent being last night at the dinner table) he discovered dipping things in milk, well at first he was drinking the milk but you know how as a parent you always make that fatal mistake of doing something in front of them that sparks their need to also do it... my crime I dipped a cookie in his milk (Hey I had already finished my Dinner...kinda) and so it was that Squirmy then dipped his turkey sandwich and cantaloupe in milk he ate the whole plate so I guess in the eyes of a one year old everything taste better when its soaked in milk

1 comment:

szubia said...

lol he's funny :) kids are the biggest copy-cats :P