-He wears 0-3 month clothes
-He wears size 1 dipears although they are really big
-He loves his sunglasses
-He loves to be read to
-He got his first shots and had no fever or alergic reactions
-He army crawls on the floor
-He moos like a cow [repercusions of a toy we bought him]
-He giggles
-He puts everything in his mouth
-He loves the kicky toy that we bought him
-He is SLOWLY growing some hair
-He loves older babies
-He loves daycare
-He thinks Kacie and I are funny
-He went swimming for the first time
-He pulls him self up to stand
-He wakes up twice a night once at 2:30 and once at 6
He is such a cutie here are his two months pics we are going to go get his three months done next weekend
♥ Sarah (a wedding post will follow as soon as there are some pics)
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