THIS IS 30 WEEKS! This weekend Kacie and I went to child birthing classes... and there are alot of things about birthing a child that no one metioned to me .... NO ONE. The class was fun and we learned alot, I especially liked the part were they taught massages and then we had to practice [Kacie is really good]. Although Saturday night after the classes I started to feel sick which continued into Sunday which then turned into Monday so after turning the hospital all weekend long it was time to try it out. Kacie called the doctors office and they told him to take me to L&D [labor and delievery] I was admitted and had to get an IV we also learned that I was alergic to phederin... later on I was released but I had to go to the doctors in the morning. At the office Dr.Hotley decided that I should have an ultrasound to check the length of me cervix. I was excited because this ment that I would get to see matthew again [I haven't seen him in 11 weeks]. The girl did the ultrasound and said my cervix was long which is good then she said that this paticular machine was 4D and wanted to know if she could practice on me.. well yeah of course I got to see he chubby little hand and little fat rolls and then while i was waiting to see his face I passed out and woke up being wheeled down a hall way .. I couldn't see Kacie so I had an aniexty attack and was readmitted more IVS then latter released. The rest of the week was pretty hard I was / am extremely tired/weak. During all this drama Kacie had to rescheduale his interview with burstabit twice but on thuresday he got to go in and he got the job. So I am excited for him, and I got an interview with UCN on Monday. Also this week I have finally picked out Matthews coming home ouffit [66 DAYS till Matthew is here!]
[Matthew's coming home ouffit]
[30 Weeks]
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