*This post is dedicated to Shallyse and George not only are they our awesome east cost buddies but they care enough about our family and whats going on to bug the lazy me to start posting regularly again*
What a busy month or so it was but im not going to update you, that would take to way to long and might cause me to crawl back in my blogging hermit hole. First things first for those who have asked about the Boy quiet book I did indeed finish one for my little man on time for Christmas he loves it and it does its job a church. I will post a tutorial about it sometime next week pinky promise. Second family life... oh family life each month we have a family meeting we sit down plan out play dates and date nights and then make family goals like keep up with the dishes keep the house clean and each one of us takes responsibility of a goal. Let me give you a two part example
Mr charming in December took on" keep the dishes done" he successfully completed the goal and continues to do so. We removed the goal from the calendar because we no longer need to call it out it has become a habit.
In December I took on "Keep the laundry done"....... We still continue to call it out. No matter how hard I just can't do it, I tell you can't do it. But soon it will be April that's a new month and I think I can I think I can....
Third on to sweet sweet little Squirmy what a big boy he is. He has been out of diapers for 1month yay we are so proud of him [we aren't using pampers either]. He is graduating to the next level in his Gym class next month. He speaks to us in full almost 2 year old sentences you know like "I big" "Help me" "I do it" "I pee". He knows the colors red, blue, yellow, green, and purple and all the signs for them. And he will be two in a months time ... maybe that's why I can't finish the laundry goal I have been completely wrapped up in planning the most awesome Elmo 2nd birthday Ever! No that's probably not it sense I have only crossed two things of that list bounce house CHECK, Super Super Cute invites CHECK here is a little sneak peek